Natural Remedies for Baby Eczema
Eczema is a complaint that is more common in infants and babies than adults. The most common form in babies and young infants is called Atopic Eczema, which often appears between the ages of 2 months and 18 months. It normally starts with an intensely itchy rash usually on the face, inner creases of the elbows, and behind the knees. Natural remedies for baby eczema, the skin often starts to scale in these areas and small red pimples begin to appear. When the baby starts to scratch, the pimples begin to ooze and join to form large weeping areas. Infections can occur, particularly in the nappy area due to the high level of dampness.
Eczema Symptoms: How To Tell If Your Baby Has Eczema?
Atopic dermatitis, popularly known as eczema, is one skin condition common to infants. Its incidence has increased threefold in the past 10 years in babies younger than 2 years.
Eczema is easily recognized in children and, although common, its symptoms should not be ignored, as the exacerbation of eczema can lead to supra-infection and create a lot of discomfort. The most common symptoms of atopic dermatitis eczema are:
Symptom # 1- Small, red skin bumps
One primary symptom of infant atopic dermatitis is a tiny red bump. When your baby starts to develop eczema, you can be able to notice small red bumps appearing on your baby’s skin. These bumps are usually very itchy and scratching may just result in a more serious infection. Scratching can lead to ooze and it may also make the skin crust over. Before this happens, you have to ensure that your baby can’t scratch the bumps by putting on mittens to your little one’s hands.

Symptom # 2- Patches
Eczema is also characterized by some red patches on the skin. When patches of scaly skin begin to erupt, you will be able to notice pink or red colored marks that slightly rose. Some patches may be brownish-gray in color.
Symptom # 3- Flakes
One of the common eczema symptoms is skin flaking. Skin dryness and flaking may be due to scratching the itchy spots of your baby’s skin. To help skin dryness and flaking, you need to bring your baby into a warm bath. However, you must not have your baby soak for more than fifteen minutes in one setting. To lessen skin flaking, be sure to moisturize your baby’s skin. You may replace your baby’s usual bath soap with an organic one, preferably oatmeal-based.
60-90% of children suffer from sleep disturbance, secondary to the severe pruritus associated with the disease. Irritability and lack of concentration can lead to detrimental effects on schooling, educational development, and social interactions.
Eczema flare-ups can and should be kept under control, also because they affect the skin’s natural protection mechanism in front of infections. Eczematic skin needs constant protection from harsh soaps, detergents, and contact with strong chemicals, strong winds, and permanent hydration.
Over-the-counter moisturizers like Oilatum and Physiogel work great for atopic skin and they also can be combined with natural remedies like organic coconut oil to be used throughout the day for optimum skin hydration.
Ways to help treat baby eczema
Eczema in babies can sometimes be caused by environmental factors like low humidity.
Clothing made from uncomfortable materials like scratchy wool will also irritate your baby. Be aware of allergic reactions from soaps and hygiene products, which contain perfume, and even some foods may cause this skin condition.
So, how do you help your baby avoid getting eczema?
Below are some of the more effective ways:
1. Ensure that your baby’s skin is properly moisturized.

Use lukewarm water when washing your baby, because it is the ideal temperature for avoiding skin dryness. Always apply a mild and fragrance-free moisturizer to help keep your baby’s skin soft and supple.
2. Never “over-clean” your baby.
Excessive bathing or cleaning can have damaging effects. Always wash your baby’s hands, feet, and genitals with water, then rinse the rest of the body.
3. It is important to make sure that your baby wears cotton clothing.
Cotton is considered one of the most comfortable kinds of clothing. Ensure that you choose loose clothes made of cotton for your baby and keep away from any tight, itchy, and uncomfortable materials that could aggravate the condition further.
4. It is important that you pay attention to your baby’s diet and provide them with fresh and nutritious foods. One of the biggest factors of eczema is malnutrition. If your baby is unhealthy, the immune system will be unable to fight the eczema bacteria. Stay away from giving your baby processed and junk food.
5. Easier said than done but always try to keep your little one stress-free.
Babies can get very stressed if they are in uncomfortable situations, or feel anxious and irritated.
6. Never apply any creams, ointments, or solutions to your baby’s eczema, unless it has been prescribed by a medical practitioner first.
In many cases, this condition often clears up as the child grows older, although it could come and go for several years. Most children normally outgrow atopic eczema by the time they reach puberty.